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Our Partners

Sharing the same values.


Performance & Data Analysis

Tactalyse stands for everything surrounding football tactics. Our goal is to create tomorrow’s tactical football players. We do so by using our own unique methodology to highlight the impact of (individual) tactics on the beautiful game of football.

Click here to check out our partners at Tactalyse and learn more about what they do and how they can help you #levelUP your tactical game.


Wearable Football Tracker

Track your technical and physical skills using the latest Playermaker Tracker – CITYPLAY. An all-in-one football performance tracker that uses AI, Playermaker’s cutting-edge technology, and the Manchester City Methodology to make you a better player.

Click here for our review or buy now and use code “FOOTXFIT” at checkout for an extra 15% off your order.


The VR Game That Improves Your Speed Of Play At Home

Immerse yourself into training using Virtual Reality. Develop your speed of play from the comfort of your living room and train your brain in game-realistic scenarios designed to improve your perception (scanning, depth perception, object tracking, etc.), processing (decision), and action speed.

Use code “FOOTXFIT” at checkout and get 20% off your membership plan.


Supplements Made Uniquely For Footballers

The supplements that are fueling the world’s best teams (Ateltico de Madrid) and names (Ivan Rakitic) in football. In an attempt to cater to everyone, generic supplements cater to no one, and as a footballer, chances are you don’t need 50% of what’s in your generic pre-workout. With our products, we eliminated all of the junk, while giving you higher doses of the ingredients you should be taking for football.

Use code “FOOTXFIT10” at checkout to get 10% off your order.


The Game That Will Make You A Smarter Player

Train your brain like a pro. With Intelligym’s software you will drastically improve your football IQ on the field from the comfort of your house.

Read the game faster and react to plays quicker, improve off-ball movement and positioning, upgrade your decision-making under pressure, anticipate and react faster, and improve all the cognitive skills the modern footballer needs.

Get 20% off your subscription by using code “FOOTXFIT” at checkout.

*As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases (no extra cost for you).